Begin again and again

January 1, 2020 is a date that has some gravitas with a bit of glitter around the edges. Came here to share something, anything really, as I’ve been wanting to show up here more regularly. Remember saying that last year as well so was very surprised to see there was just a lone post for the entire year. Am not going to spend time on the why’s or should’ve’s because it doesn’t much matter. What does matter is if we something to be different we simply must make a point to do it differently. So I am beginning again. And will again should the need/desire arise.

Have spent the day with music. Started a playlist and am adding songs that drop me into myself and make me feel the way I want to feel more consistently. Music helps to calibrate me and yet somedays I find myself moving around feeling out of step and then realize I just haven’t set the mood.

Are there things you enjoy that you forget to incorporate into your day? What brings you home to yourself?

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing.
— Annie Dillard, The Writing Life